Laban Imma Recipe

On a regular day youll see me trying out kitchen hacks making meal plans and looking for new ways to make good dishes even better. Add onio...

Kousa Mahshi Bi Laban Recipe

Two rules when making this dish. Ingredients 22 lb small Zucchini 1 kg 8 oz ground meat beef or lamb 8 oz rice 1 cup 1 tbsp. Pin On Medit...

Kousa Laban Recipe

Mix the onion meat and rice in a bowl and season with salt and pepper. In a large mixing bowl combine the rinsed rice meat cumin 7 spices 1...

Recipe For Kibbeh Bi Laban

Shape the ball to look like chocolate kisses shape. It can be served. Kibbeh Bi Laban Fried Kibbeh Meatballs In Yogurt Sauce Mediterranea...

Kubba Laban Recipe

Combine the 500g meat with the cup of previously soaked burghul add the salt pepper and allspice. Bring to the boil and simmer uncovered fo...